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Oral conditions in children from birth to 5 years: the findings of a children’s dental program

  • Solange Bezerra1,*,
  • Izabel Costa1

1,Av. Da Integracao

2 Cond. Integracao, Bl. A. apto. 103

3 Candelaria, Natal RN

4, CEP: 59.065-780 Brazil.

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.25.1.2w3gl3888738p455 Vol.25,Issue 1,January 2001 pp.79-81

Published: 01 January 2001


The study aimed to assess oral conditions other than caries and gingival inflammation present in the mouth of children from birth to 5 years old attending a Community Dental Program. Data were collected through the examination of all dental records, who attended the clinic from November 1997 until November 1999. A total of 1042 records were examined. The results showed that 97.7% of the patients had no lesions present in the mouth during the visits to the clinic, while 2.3% who presented did have lesions. The conditions most frequently found were: Bohn’s nodules, candidiasis and benign migratory glossitis.

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Solange Bezerra,Izabel Costa. Oral conditions in children from birth to 5 years: the findings of a children’s dental program. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2001. 25(1);79-81.


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