Article Type
Special Issue
Effect of antimicrobial agents on the micromorphology of primary dentin
1Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Piracicaba University of Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil
2Clinical Materials Research, Department of Restorative Dentistry, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, Texas, USA
3Department of Restorative Dentistry, Piracicaba School of Dentistry, University of Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.25.2.h032430r1740u4u4 Vol.25,Issue 2,April 2001 pp.137-141
Published: 01 April 2001
*Corresponding Author(s): Regina M. Puppin Rontani E-mail: rmpuppin@fop.unicamp.br
The use of disinfectants on the dentin surface contributes to superficial cleaning and removal of remaining microorganisms of the carious process. However, the effect of these agents on the adhesion of resin materials to the dentin surface of primary teeth has not been established. This study evaluated the dentin micromorphological effects due to the use of antimicrobial agents in the different depths of dentin. Twenty-five buccal surfaces of primary molars were prepared from the sectioned teeth, ground flat and polished with silicon carbide paper of different grits.The surfaces were treated with 32% phosphoric acid with benzalkonium chloride (Bisco), 35% phosphoric acid gel (3M), 3% benzalkonium chloride solution by itself or 10% maleic acid. All agents were applied for 15 seconds on the dentin surface. The samples were washed with distilled water, dried and coated with gold for observation of the dentin surface with the scanning electron microscope. The samples were subdivided according to the dentin depth in upper, middle and lower areas. The following was observed: presence of smear layer, opening of the dentin tubules, and inter and intratubular dentin morphology. The effects of the antimicrobial agents were compared in the different depths of the dentin.The results demonstrated that the surface conditioned with 3% benzalkonium chloride solution presented few disclosed dentin tubules. The use of the 32% phosphoric acid with benzalkonium chloride completely removed the smear layer and increased the diameter of the dentin tubule openings.The 35% phosphoric acid totally exposed the tubules in the upper area of the analyzed surface but partially exposed them in the middle and lower areas. The 10% maleic acid totally removed the smear layer, left all the tubules opened and conditioned the intertubular dentin. It was concluded that in the different depths of the dentin surface, conditioning with 10% maleic acid in primary teeth showed the most consistent micromorphological characteristics compared to the other agents used in this study.
Regina M. Puppin Rontani,Elisangela Caetano,Franklin Garcia Godoy,Mario Fernando De Goes. Effect of antimicrobial agents on the micromorphology of primary dentin. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2001. 25(2);137-141.
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