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Case Reports

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A rare non-syndrome case of concomitant multiple supernumerary teeth and partial anodontia

  • Amita Sharma1,*,

1Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Government Dental College and Hospital, PGIMS, Rohtak-12400, Haryana, India.

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.25.2.k4617k5126205k46 Vol.25,Issue 2,April 2001 pp.167-169

Published: 01 April 2001


Concomitant hypo-hyperdontia is an uncommon condition of coexistence of partial anodontia and supernumerary teeth. Its etiology is still unknown. Very few cases have been reported in the literature of this condition. Presented here is a rare and first such case of simultaneous presence of multiple supernumerary teeth and a missing tooth (canine) without any associated systemic conditions or syndromes involving both jaws.

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Amita Sharma. A rare non-syndrome case of concomitant multiple supernumerary teeth and partial anodontia. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2001. 25(2);167-169.


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