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TMJ fractures in children: clinical management and follow-up

  • Patricia DeFabianis1,*,

1Department of Odontostomatology, St. John The Baptist Hospital, University of Tornino, Tornino, Italy

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.25.3.163p03465h255381 Vol.25,Issue 3,July 2001 pp.202-208

Published: 01 July 2001

*Corresponding Author(s): Patricia DeFabianis E-mail: XXX


The mandible is the facial structure that is the most affected by trauma and the most common fracture site is the condyle. New perspectives for this problem are due to the fact that often TMJ fractures in children are undiagnosed and consequent1y untreated. This becomes evident when growth disturbances show up a year or two. These types of trauma must be focused not only as a cause of direct damage to osseous structures, but also of future disturbances of the dentofacial development. Three cases of particular significance for the requested therapeutic approach are reported.

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Patricia DeFabianis. TMJ fractures in children: clinical management and follow-up. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2001. 25(3);202-208.


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