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Clinical evaluation of bonding techniques in crown fractures

  • Carlos Garcia-Ballesta'1,*,
  • Leonor Perez-Lajarin1
  • Olga Cortes-Lillo1
  • Fernando Chiva-Garcia1

1The Department of Dentistry, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.25.3.g3033h0747871315 Vol.25,Issue 3,July 2001 pp.195-197

Published: 01 July 2001

*Corresponding Author(s): Carlos Garcia-Ballesta' E-mail: XXX


The technique of bonding fragments when dental fractures occur is a routine procedure. The objective

of this investigation is to demonstrate the retention of the fragments bonded using a compound material

according to the Simonsen technique. The most noteworthy conclusion is that this type of restoration

lasts less than two years when in the mouth. For this reason other therapeutic options with better

future expectations should be introduced.

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Carlos Garcia-Ballesta',Leonor Perez-Lajarin,Olga Cortes-Lillo,Fernando Chiva-Garcia. Clinical evaluation of bonding techniques in crown fractures. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2001. 25(3);195-197.


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