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Case Reports

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Restoration of a fractured primary incisor

  • Martin Romero1,*,
  • Manuel Saez1
  • Carmen Cabrerizo1

1Department of Children's Dentistry Clinics, Dental School, Murcia University

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.25.4.8474180h3w521325 Vol.25,Issue 4,October 2001 pp.255-258

Published: 01 October 2001

*Corresponding Author(s): Martin Romero E-mail: XXX


Esthetic restoration on primary teeth has been a special challenge to pediatric dentists. Composite

restorations are the most often used treatment for decay and fractures of primary teeth, however, there

are other possible alternatives.We present a case in which we have used an acrylic crown to treat a fractured

primary incisor in a 1.8 years old child.

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Martin Romero,Manuel Saez,Carmen Cabrerizo. Restoration of a fractured primary incisor. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2001. 25(4);255-258.


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