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Pediatric dental procedures under general anesthesia at the Amiri hospital in Kuwait

  • Hamijeta Ibricevic1,*,
  • Qumasha Al-Jame2
  • Sisko Honkala3

1,Pediatric Dentistry

2Pediatric Dentistry Department, Al-Amiri Dental Center, Kuwait

3Faculty of Dentistry, University of Kuwait

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.25.4.fl062x558qtt4v69 Vol.25,Issue 4,October 2001 pp.337-342

Published: 01 October 2001

*Corresponding Author(s): Hamijeta Ibricevic E-mail:


Ninety-six patients, fifty-eight healthy patients and thirty-eight special needs patients, ranging in age

from 3 to 31yr (average age 6.9yr) had received dental treatments under general anesthesia (GA) at

Amiri Hospital. The mean number of dental procedures per child was 13.6 (SD±5.4) with a mean

number of 15.6 procedures for healthy patients and 10.5 special needs patients. There was a statistically

significantly higher number of dental procedures for healthy patients than for special needs patients

(p<0.001). The number of pulpotomies and stainless steel crowns placed for healthy patients was significantly

higher (3.5) than for special needs patients (1.3) with (p<0.001) The average number of

extractions was similar for the two groups of patients, 2.8 for normal and 2.2 for handicapped. On the

basis of these results, it was concluded that dental treatment under GA in hospital environment is beneficial

for certain group of patients, such as very young children and those with special needs. Underlying

medical conditions influenced the treatment provided.

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Hamijeta Ibricevic,Qumasha Al-Jame,Sisko Honkala. Pediatric dental procedures under general anesthesia at the Amiri hospital in Kuwait. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2001. 25(4);337-342.


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