Article Type
Special Issue
The functional treatment of anterior-open bite: three case reports
1Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Ege, Bornova, İzmir, Turkey
DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.25.4.m757h85mwvx280r7 Vol.25,Issue 4,October 2001 pp.275-286
Published: 01 October 2001
*Corresponding Author(s): Banu Dinçer E-mail: banudincer2@ yahoo.com
Functional treatment of three skeletal open-bite patients with Bionator, Frankel IV and Posterior biteblock
appliances is presented. Pretreatment and post treatment records were evaluated. Correction of
malocclusion by changing direction of the mandibular development, adaptive bony development of
the condyle, vertical development in posterior region, an increase in ramus length, a decrease in the
lower facial height were observed in this report. The results of functional treatment of three appliances
had different effect mechanisms.
Banu Dinçer,Serpil Hazar. The functional treatment of anterior-open bite: three case reports. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2001. 25(4);275-286.
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