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Case Reports

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Rehabilitative treatment after unsuccessful teeth replantation: a case report

  • Paulo Floriani Kramer1,*,
  • Sady Horst2
  • Joice König3
  • Eduardo Galia Reston4
  • Ernani Calvete5

1Pediatric Dentistry Department, Lutheran University of Brazil, Rua Liberdade, 42, Porto Alegre – RS 90420-090, Brazil

2Orthodontics, Rua Miguel Tostes, 101 Cx. Postal 124 Canoas – RS 92420-280, Brazil

3Pediatric Dentistry, Lutheran University of Brazil, Rua Miguel Tostes, 101 Cx. Postal 124 Canoas – RS 92420-280, Brazil

4Restorative Dentistry, Lutheran University of Brazil, Rua Liberdade, 42 Porto Alegre – RS 90420-090, Brazil

5Periodontics Lutheran University of Brazil, Rua Miguel Tostes, 101 Cx. Postal 124 Canoas – RS 92420-280, Brazil

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.26.2.h167l162452l7484 Vol.26,Issue 2,April 2002 pp.119-124

Published: 01 April 2002

*Corresponding Author(s): Paulo Floriani Kramer E-mail:


A nine-year-old boy suffered a severe facial trauma in a bicycle crash, which resulted in the avulsion and subluxation of upper central incisors.Teeth were repositioned and stabilized, attempting to achieve a successful replantation. Root resorption occurred, teeth were extracted, followed by orthodontic treatment, and esthetic procedures, modifying laterals and canines.

This article reports an attempt and failure of replantation, providing alternatives for achieving patient’s satisfaction, applying a variety of techniques and areas of dental profession.

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Paulo Floriani Kramer,Sady Horst,Joice König,Eduardo Galia Reston,Ernani Calvete. Rehabilitative treatment after unsuccessful teeth replantation: a case report. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2002. 26(2);119-124.


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