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Case Reports

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Dentigerous cyst associated with an upper permanent central incisor: case report and literature review

  • Maria da Graça Naclério Homem1,*,
  • Wilma Alexandre Simões2
  • Maria Cristina Zindel Deboni1
  • Israel Chilvarquer3
  • Andreia Aparecida Traina4

1Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, São Paulo University

2, "Honoris Causa" Camilo Castelo Branco University

3Department of Oral Radiology, São Paulo University

4,Dentist - Clinical Trainee

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.26.2.un28142h66k50300 Vol.26,Issue 2,April 2002 pp.187-192

Published: 01 April 2002

*Corresponding Author(s): Maria da Graça Naclério Homem E-mail:


Traumas to deciduous teeth may have severe consequences. This article addresses a dentigerous cyst case report associated with an upper permanent incisor, unusual site of occurrence, which was impacted and dislodged from its natural site of eruption after trauma at the deciduous predecessor.

The main aspects of etiopathology and its clinical characteristics are also discussed, with especial focus on the radiographic features of the diagnosis in order to allow for an accurate surgical planning.

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Maria da Graça Naclério Homem,Wilma Alexandre Simões,Maria Cristina Zindel Deboni,Israel Chilvarquer,Andreia Aparecida Traina. Dentigerous cyst associated with an upper permanent central incisor: case report and literature review. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2002. 26(2);187-192.


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