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Panoramic radiographic findings of the mandibular growth from deciduous dentition to early permanent dentition

  • Hung-Huey Tsai1,*,

1Department of Pedodontics, School of Dentistry, China Medical College, 91 Hsueh Shih Road, Taichung. 404 Taiwan

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.26.3.962294087538050m Vol.26,Issue 3,July 2002 pp.279-284

Published: 01 July 2002

*Corresponding Author(s): Hung-Huey Tsai E-mail:


The outlines of mandibular rami, condyles, coronoid process, and corpus in panoramic radiographs of normal children from deciduous to early permanent dentition were traced and digitized. Nine lin-ear and four angular measurements were measured. During the observation period, the lengths for all the linear measurements increased, however, the angles for all the angular measurements decreased. The shape of condyle and gonion significantly correlated with the growth of ramus and corpus.

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Hung-Huey Tsai. Panoramic radiographic findings of the mandibular growth from deciduous dentition to early permanent dentition. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2002. 26(3);279-284.


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