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Seckel syndrome: report of a case

  • Figen Seymen1,*,
  • Bahar Tuna1
  • Hulya Kayserili2

1Department of Pedodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, University of İstanbul, Turkey

2Pediatrics Department, Medical Genetics Division, Faculty of Medicine, University of İstanbul, Turkey

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.26.3.l02834m2827m0132 Vol.26,Issue 3,July 2002 pp.305-309

Published: 01 July 2002

*Corresponding Author(s): Figen Seymen E-mail:


An interesting case of a seven years old boy with a combination of clinical, genetic, radiological, patho-logic and dental findings is presented in view of Seckel syndrome literature. General appearance of the patient was characterized by small forehead, posteriorly slanted ears, slightly beaked nose, midfacial hypoplasia very stunted stature with microcephaly. He had borderline mental retardation with normal motor development.

Class II dentoskeletal pattern with mild overjet and open bite, congenitally missing permanent teeth, microdontia, enamel hypoplasia, taurodontism and dentinal dysplasia was observed according to the clinical and radiographic examination. In conclusion, Seckel syndrome is not encountered routinely in dental clinics, this case illustrates the importance of dental care in such a rare condition.

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Figen Seymen,Bahar Tuna,Hulya Kayserili. Seckel syndrome: report of a case. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2002. 26(3);305-309.


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