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Preventive effects by intensive restorative treatment against caries in children

  • Takanobu Morinushi1,*,
  • Kouichiro Inoue2
  • Shozaburo Toyoshima3
  • Mayumi Morinushi1
  • Yosiko Araki4
  • Kiyoshi Kondo5

1Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Kagoshima University Dental School

2,dental practitioner in Miyazaki-city

3,dental practitioner in Kagoshima-city

4,dental practitioner in Tokyo

5,dental practitioner in Kanagawa prefecture

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.26.4.cxg2135076024106 Vol.26,Issue 4,October 2002 pp.357-362

Published: 01 October 2002

*Corresponding Author(s): Takanobu Morinushi E-mail:


The caries preventive effect of intensive treatment of existing caries was studied in children less than 7 years old living in a district without a dentist. The methods consisted of intensive restorative treatment provided by a pediatric dentist in three stages as follows: Stage I (n=70), two years before initiation of intensive treatment; Stage II (n=80), at initiation of long-term intensive treatment, and Stage III (n=92) three years after initiation of intensive dental treatments. The results were that experience and severity of dental caries and secondary caries rates were significantly lower in stage III than in stage I or II in six year olds. Between-meal consumption of snacks containing sugar and plaque prevalence both were less in stage III than in others. In conclusion, intensive treatment of caries in young children was asso-ciated with prevention both primary and secondary caries.

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Takanobu Morinushi,Kouichiro Inoue,Shozaburo Toyoshima,Mayumi Morinushi,Yosiko Araki,Kiyoshi Kondo. Preventive effects by intensive restorative treatment against caries in children. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2002. 26(4);357-362.


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