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Influence of prophylaxis on the microleakage of sealants: in vitro study

  • Ana Beatriz Alonso Chevitarese1,*,
  • Orlando Chevitarese2
  • Ivete Pomarico Ribeiro de Souza3
  • Roberto Braga de Carvalho Vianna1

1Rua Conde de Bonfim, 573/804, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 20520-052

2Rua Clemente Falcao, 118, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 20520-052

3Praia do Flamengo, 370/202, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 20520-052

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.26.4.v8lm755w4n414113 Vol.26,Issue 4,October 2002 pp.371-376

Published: 01 October 2002

*Corresponding Author(s): Ana Beatriz Alonso Chevitarese E-mail:


The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of prophylaxis on the sealants microleakage in 30 premolars divided into: Group A, Group B and Group C. The teeth were analyzed using the optical microscope (OM) and at scanning electron microscope (SEM). There was a statitical significant dif-ference among the groups regarding the presence of microleakage, but not with the presence of tags.

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Ana Beatriz Alonso Chevitarese,Orlando Chevitarese,Ivete Pomarico Ribeiro de Souza,Roberto Braga de Carvalho Vianna. Influence of prophylaxis on the microleakage of sealants: in vitro study. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2002. 26(4);371-376.


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