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Oropharyngeal airway appliance for infant with upper airway obstruction: report of a case

  • T. Shimoyama1
  • T. Kato1
  • Norio Horie1'
  • D. Nasu1
  • T. Kaneko1

1Department of Oral Surgery, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical School, Saitama, Japan

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.27.1.69h1nxnt137p060q Vol.27,Issue 1,January 2003 pp.25-28

Published: 01 January 2003


A palatal appliance with oropharyngeal tube that reduces the upper airway obstructions of an eleven-month-old male infant with severe cerebral palsy is presented. The palatal appliance was composed of the base plate, the outer guide tube that held the oropharyngeal tube inside it, and the extra outer guide tube for the suction catheter. After the setting of the appliance, respiratory distress was improved with-out side effects.

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T. Shimoyama,T. Kato,Norio Horie,D. Nasu,T. Kaneko. Oropharyngeal airway appliance for infant with upper airway obstruction: report of a case. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2003. 27(1);25-28.


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