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Prevalence of malocclusion in 4-6 year old Brazilian children

  • Ana Beatriz Alonso Chevitarese1
  • Daniella Della Valle1
  • Teresa Cristina Moreira1,*,

1Department of Pedodontics and Orthodontics, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.27.1.an436m284201571p Vol.27,Issue 1,January 2003 pp.81-86

Published: 01 January 2003

*Corresponding Author(s): Teresa Cristina Moreira E-mail:


The prevalence of malocclusion and the relationship with oral habits in Brazilian children from two public primary schools was evaluated. The sample was composed of 112 children with mean age of 61± 6.67 months. The results demonstrated the presence of malocclusions in 75.8% (n=85). The oral habits was related by 34.8% (n=39). The open bite was the most prevalent malocclusion in the studied population and the oral habits was the decisive etiological factor.

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Ana Beatriz Alonso Chevitarese,Daniella Della Valle,Teresa Cristina Moreira. Prevalence of malocclusion in 4-6 year old Brazilian children. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2003. 27(1);81-86.


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