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Root fillings with Endoflas in primary teeth: a retrospective study

  • Anna B. Fuks1,*,
  • Eliezer Eidelman1
  • Nitay Pauker2

1Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Hebrew University, Hadassah School of Dental Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel

2, Israeli Army Dental Service

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.27.1.pp237453707386m1 Vol.27,Issue 1,January 2003 pp.41-46

Published: 01 January 2003

*Corresponding Author(s): Anna B. Fuks E-mail:


The aim of this retrospective study is to report the success rate of root canal treatments (RCT) using Endoflas as a filling material in primary teeth. Fifty-five (55 teeth, 27 maxillary incisors and 28 molars) of 47 children fulfilled the criteria to be included in the study. The immediate post-operative radi-ograph was evaluated and the root filling was rated overfilled, flush or underfilled. Thirty-one (31) teeth were overfilled; of these 9 (29%) were normal pre-operatively and the remaining 22 (71%) pre-sented with bone pathology. Twenty-four (24) teeth were flush or underfilled; of these, 50% had pre-operative bone pathology. The children were examined clinically and radiographically at follow-up visits ranging from 6 to 52 months. Approximately 70% of the cases were successful at the last follow-up examination. The remaining 30% presented with pathology (Po); however, only one tooth had to be extracted (Pi). Overfilling led to a success rate of 58%, while in the combined flush and underfilled the success rate was 83%.

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Anna B. Fuks,Eliezer Eidelman,Nitay Pauker. Root fillings with Endoflas in primary teeth: a retrospective study. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2003. 27(1);41-46.


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