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Human enamel veneer restoration in a deciduous tooth: clinical case

  • Sandra Kalil Bussadori1
  • Marcos Augusto do Rego2,*,
  • Rogério Junqueira Pereira3
  • Antonio Carlos Guedes-Pinto4

1Department of Pedodontics, UMC - Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes, Dental Materials Universidade Metropolitana de Santos

2Department of Pedodontics, UNICID - Universidade Cidade de São Paulo, UMC - Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes, UNIVAP - Universidade do Vale do Paraíba, Universidade de Taubaté

3, UMC - Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes

4Department of Pedodonties, School of Dentistry, Universidade de São Paulo / USP, UMC - Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.27.2.37q38n5422r44810 Vol.27,Issue 2,April 2003 pp.111-116

Published: 01 April 2003

*Corresponding Author(s): Marcos Augusto do Rego E-mail:


Trauma to deciduous anterior teeth, frequently occur in children, and the treatment is a big challenge for the pediatric dentistry. In these cases, besides the pain and discomfort provoked by the injury, both child and parents/persons responsible were eager to reconstruct the damage, as soon as possible. In modern operative restorative dentistry, no restorative material is able to substitute for the human den-tal enamel in quality, color and resistance. The aim of this paper is to relate the treatment of esthetic veneer (facet) of human dental enamel in a three-year-old child after trauma that caused concussion and accentuated color alteration. Clinical results showed an efficient esthetical resolution, revealing it to be a good alternative for treatment of traumatized anterior deciduous teeth.

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Sandra Kalil Bussadori,Marcos Augusto do Rego,Rogério Junqueira Pereira,Antonio Carlos Guedes-Pinto. Human enamel veneer restoration in a deciduous tooth: clinical case. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2003. 27(2);111-116.


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