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Birth weight and gestational age of newborns with cleft lip with or without cleft palate and with isolated cleft palate

  • Diego F.Wyszynski1,*,
  • Andrea Sarkozi2
  • Peter Vargha2
  • Andrew E. Czeizel2

1Medicine and of Epidemiology, Boston University School of Medicine, 715 Albany Street, L-320, Boston, MA 02118

2,Genetics Program Department of Medicine

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.27.2.475367q2601u3x4w Vol.27,Issue 2,April 2003 pp.185-190

Published: 01 April 2003

*Corresponding Author(s): Diego F.Wyszynski E-mail:


The birth weight and gestational age of 1368 newborns with isolated cleft lip with or without cleft palate and 582 with isolated cleft palate were compared to those of matched healthy controls. The results indicate that fetuses with oral clefts are at elevated risk of having low and very low birth weight, but not of having a premature birth. Speculations on a relationship between these findings and the presence of oral clefts are presented.

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Diego F.Wyszynski,Andrea Sarkozi,Peter Vargha,Andrew E. Czeizel. Birth weight and gestational age of newborns with cleft lip with or without cleft palate and with isolated cleft palate. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2003. 27(2);185-190.


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