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Supernumerary teeth causing impaction of permanent maxillary incisors: consideration of treatment

  • H. Ibricevic1,*,
  • S. Al-Mesad2
  • D. Mustagrudic3
  • N. Al-Zohejry3

1Pediatric Dentistry Department, Amiri Dental Center, Kuwait

2Orthodontic Department, Amiri Dental Center, Kuwait

3Oral Surgery Department, Amiri Dental Center, Kuwait

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.27.4.4u17074840u4038v Vol.27,Issue 4,October 2003 pp.327-332

Published: 01 October 2003

*Corresponding Author(s): H. Ibricevic E-mail:


The paper presents a discussion on etiology and treatment of maxillary central incisors impactions. Different treatment approaches which advocate teamwork approach, and importance of early diagnosis of such conditions is discussed.

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H. Ibricevic,S. Al-Mesad,D. Mustagrudic,N. Al-Zohejry. Supernumerary teeth causing impaction of permanent maxillary incisors: consideration of treatment. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2003. 27(4);327-332.


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