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A follow-up study on three caries activity tests

  • Sizhen Shi1
  • Qing Deng1
  • Yoshihiro Hayashi2
  • Masashi Yakushiji2
  • Yukio Machida2
  • Qin Liang1

1 Tongji University College of Stomatology, Pedodontics Research Institute 2, Lane 158, Damuqiao Road, Suite 402, Shanghai 200032, China

2Department of Pedodontics, Tokyo Dental College, 1-2-2 Masago Chibashi, Chibaken, Japan

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.27.4.522043767n014735 Vol.27,Issue 4,October 2003 pp.359-364

Published: 01 October 2003


The purpose of this research was to study the efficacy of three CAT’s (Dentocult SM, Dentocult LB and Dentobuff Strip) in revealing caries condition and predicting caries progress, and provide a reference for application by comparing the three tests. Oral condition and results of the three CAT’s of 82 children aged 3 to 4 were recorded and followed up. The examination was checked again two years later. The caries incidence, dft and CSI data from the two examinations were analyzed statistically. The results were that each Dentocult SM degree showed significant variances in incidence rate, as did the dft and CSI results in the second examination. The dft and CSI of both examinations exhibited a high degree of statistical significance. The same may be said of the Dentocult LB findings for the two years. No noticeable variances in caries incidence rate, dft and CSI from the Dentobuff Strip test were observed in both years’ study, nor was there any statistical significance drawn from the findings, except for those of the second exam. No gender differences were observed in the distribution by degree with the three CATs. The conclusion is that Dentocult SM is the best of the three tests for the diagnosis of the presence of caries and prognosis of its progress, Dentocult LB is second best, whereas the Dentobuff Strip shows no detection capability. The findings serve as an application reference.

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Sizhen Shi,Qing Deng,Yoshihiro Hayashi,Masashi Yakushiji,Yukio Machida,Qin Liang. A follow-up study on three caries activity tests. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2003. 27(4);359-364.


1. Technical instruction section of the Second National Health Epidemic Survey. Second National Oral Health Survey Report, Beijing p 23, 1993.

2. Konishi K, Morimoto H, Meshizuka N, et al. Oral Health Activity Manual. 1st ed. Tokyo: Dental Medicine Publishing House.

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