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Mortality risks associated with pediatric dental care using general anesthesia in a hospital setting

  • Jessica Y. Lee1,*,
  • Michael W. Roberts2

1Departments of Pediatric Dentistry and Health Policy Analysis, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC;Departments of Pediatric Dentistry, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.27.4.e3gw10732q917757 Vol.27,Issue 4,October 2003 pp.381-384

Published: 01 October 2003

*Corresponding Author(s): Jessica Y. Lee E-mail:


The purpose of the present study was to the review the literature and survey the risk of mortality associated with general anesthesia in children in a hospital setting.An 8-item, one page, survey was sent to all (928) southeast regional hospital members of the American Hospital Association (AHA). A response rate of 41% was established. They reported 22,615 dental cases using general anesthesia on children the ages 1 to 6 years and there were no deaths associated with anesthesia reported by respond-ing hospitals. It was concluded that no deaths were reported among more than 22,000 cases over a 10-year period. This provides valuable information on the safety using general anesthesia for pediatric dental care.

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Jessica Y. Lee,Michael W. Roberts. Mortality risks associated with pediatric dental care using general anesthesia in a hospital setting. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2003. 27(4);381-384.


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