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Signs and symptoms of temporomandibular joint dysfunction in children with primary dentition

  • Leonardo Rigoldi Bonjardim1
  • Maria Beatriz Duarte Gaviao2,*,
  • Fabiola Grammatico Carmagnani3
  • Luciano Jose Pereira1
  • Paula Midori Castelo1

1Department of Physiological Sciences, Piracicaba Dental School, State University of Campinas (FOP/UNICAMP), Piracicaba, SP, Brazil

2Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Piracicaba Dental School, State University of Campinas (FOP/UNICAMP), Piracicaba, SP, Brazil

3Orthodontist, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.28.1.0772w75g91963670 Vol.28,Issue 1,January 2004 pp.53-58

Published: 01 January 2004

*Corresponding Author(s): Maria Beatriz Duarte Gaviao E-mail:


The presence of signs and symptoms of TMD in 99 children with primary dentition was evaluated through clinical exam and a questionnaire. The results showed that 34.34% presented signs and/or symptoms of TMD. Among the children with symptoms, 50% presented at least one sign or more, differing significantly from the ones without symptoms, and from those 21.6% presented sign (p=0.0l85). The most prevalent symptom was frequent headache (7.07%) followed by jaw pain (4.04%), earache (3.03%) and difficulty in swallowing (3.03%). The most prevalent sign was jaw deviation (18.18%) followed by occlusal interferences (7.07%), asymmetric condylar movement (5.05%) and TMJ sounds (3.03%). We concluded that signs and symptoms of TMD are present in early ages, even though in a small number of children.

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Leonardo Rigoldi Bonjardim,Maria Beatriz Duarte Gaviao,Fabiola Grammatico Carmagnani,Luciano Jose Pereira,Paula Midori Castelo. Signs and symptoms of temporomandibular joint dysfunction in children with primary dentition. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2004. 28(1);53-58.


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