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Effectiveness of treatment with carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide in subjects affected by dental fluorosis: a clinical trial

  • Juan Pablo Loyola-Rodriguez1,*,
  • Amaury de Jesus Pozos-Guillen1
  • Felipe HernandezHernandez1
  • Rocio Berumen-Maldonado1
  • Nuria Patiño-Marin1

1Dental Research Center, Dental Science at San Luis Potosi University, Mexico.

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.28.1.1q78t43054jk5911 Vol.28,Issue 1,January 2004 pp.63-68

Published: 01 January 2004

*Corresponding Author(s): Juan Pablo Loyola-Rodriguez E-mail:


Dental fluorosis is an endemic dental health problem around the world; so, it is important to develop clinical alternatives that are non-invasive and inexpensive. In this study, nightguard vital bleaching technique (NVBT), using carbamide and hydrogen peroxide as active agents, has shown itself to be effective in whitening teeth affected by dental fluorosis. Carbamide peroxide at 10 and 20% and hydrogen peroxide at 7.5% showed good clinical effectiveness in improving clinical appearence, but it is important to point out that clinical success is only in cases of class 1 to 3 of the Tooth Surface Index of Fluorosis. When comparing 10 and 20% concentrations of carbamide peroxide, there was no difference in the clinical effectiveness (p>0.05); but when comparing both concentrations of carbamide peroxide against hydrogen peroxide, results showed that carbamide peroxide was more effective in whitening in cases of dental fluorosis, the difference being statistically significant (p<0.05). NVBT has two advantages: it is a non-invasive technique and the relationship cost/benefit is excellent; only a few patients reported tenderness or mild tooth sensitivity

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Juan Pablo Loyola-Rodriguez,Amaury de Jesus Pozos-Guillen,Felipe HernandezHernandez,Rocio Berumen-Maldonado,Nuria Patiño-Marin. Effectiveness of treatment with carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide in subjects affected by dental fluorosis: a clinical trial. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2004. 28(1);63-68.


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