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Congenital defect of maxillary primary central incisor associated with exposed pulp and gingiva: case report

  • Tomiko Sano1,*,
  • Mieko Tomizawa1
  • Hiroko Ida-Yonemoch2
  • Yoshihiro Tanabe1
  • Tadashi Noda1

1Division of Pediatric Dentistry, Department of Oral Health Science, Niigata University Graduate School

2Division of Oral Pathology, Department of Tissue Regeneration and Reconstruction, Niigata University Graduate School.

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.28.1.n74q771v51217902 Vol.28,Issue 1,January 2004 pp.39-42

Published: 01 January 2004

*Corresponding Author(s): Tomiko Sano E-mail: XXX


This report describes a rare case of hypoplastic primary incisor in which the pulp was exposed at the crown portion and covered by the gingiva in a 1-year-11-month-old boy. The patient was referred to us due to swelling of his labial cervical gingiva of the maxillary right primary central incisor, and on examination, extended to the hypoplastic labial surface. Radiographically, there was a round radiolucent area on the crown including the edge. Surgical removal of the swollen gingiva revealed a large defect of the labial aspect of the incisor, showing pulpal tissue inside. The tooth was treated by vital pulpotomy. Histopathologically, the removed gingival tissue contained many pieces of dysplastic tooth elements in the lamina propria portion which should have been connected to the exposed pulp. The findings suggested that pulp exposure resulted from focal dental hypoplasia not from resorption of the tooth.

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Tomiko Sano,Mieko Tomizawa,Hiroko Ida-Yonemoch,Yoshihiro Tanabe,Tadashi Noda. Congenital defect of maxillary primary central incisor associated with exposed pulp and gingiva: case report. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2004. 28(1);39-42.


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