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The relationship between tongue-base position and craniofacial morphology in preschool children

  • Naoko Niikun1,*,
  • Ichiro Nakajima1
  • Morito Akasaka1

1Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan.

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.28.2.7w76065u63086366 Vol.28,Issue 2,April 2004 pp.131-134

Published: 01 April 2004

*Corresponding Author(s): Naoko Niikun E-mail:


The association between tongue-base position and craniofacial morphology was investigated in 35 preschool children (17 girls and 18 boys), 3 to 6 years of age, by the lateral cephalometric radiographs. There was no statistical difference in the measurements of those between girls and boys. Posterior facial height, nasal floor length, mandibular corpus length and tongue-base position were positively correlated with age, and tongue-base position was correlated with maxillary position, vertical mandibular rotation and the nasopharyngeal airway space. The results of this study showed that tongue-base position influenced maxillo-mandibular growth even in young preschool children.

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Naoko Niikun,Ichiro Nakajima,Morito Akasaka. The relationship between tongue-base position and craniofacial morphology in preschool children. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2004. 28(2);131-134.


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