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Esthetic alternative for fluorosis blemishes with the usage of a dual bleaching system based on hydrogen peroxide at 35%

  • Sandra Kalil Bussadori1
  • Marcos Augusto do Rego2,*,
  • Patrícia Eberson da Silva3
  • Marcelo Mendes Pinto4
  • Antonio Carlos Guedes Pinto5

1Pedodontics Department in UMC, Dental Materials in UNIMES, Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes, Universidade Metropolitana de Santos

2 Pedodontics Department in UNICID - Universidade Cidade de São Paulo, UMC - Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes, UNIVAP – Universidade do Vale do Paraíba, Universidade de Taubaté, Post Graduation Program

3Pedodontics, Sindicatodos Odontologistas do Estado de São Paulo

4Dental Materials Discipline in UNIMES, Universidade Metropolitana de Santos

5Pedodontics Department, School of Dentistry, USP – Universidade de São Paulo UMC, Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes.

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.28.2.g45173lp7661g078 Vol.28,Issue 2,April 2004 pp.143-146

Published: 01 April 2004

*Corresponding Author(s): Marcos Augusto do Rego E-mail:


Esthetic dental procedures in pediatric dentistry represent sources of satisfaction and realization, as much for the patient as for the professional. Lack of dental esthetics may develop psychological problems in infant as well as in adolescent patients. Blemishes produced by fluorosis appear as a challenge to the pediatric dentist and alternatives for treatment are desired. The scope of this present paper is to relate a clinical case with esthetic solution for blemishes in teeth enamel due to fluorosis. A dual system of bleaching was used (photo/chemically activated) based on hydrogen peroxide at 35% (Hi-Lite-Shofu) in a male eight-year-old patient with white fluorosis blemishes on teeth 11 and 21.The bleaching system used was efficient in bleaching teeth with white blemishes due to fluorosis, thus masking the blemishes and providing a more uniform appearance.

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Sandra Kalil Bussadori,Marcos Augusto do Rego,Patrícia Eberson da Silva,Marcelo Mendes Pinto,Antonio Carlos Guedes Pinto. Esthetic alternative for fluorosis blemishes with the usage of a dual bleaching system based on hydrogen peroxide at 35%. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2004. 28(2);143-146.


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