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Case Reports

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Occlusal guidance of two Kabuki make-up syndrome patients: case reports

  • Keisuke Takada1
  • Hidefumi Fukushima1,*,
  • Shinichirou Watanabe1
  • Makiko Ishida1
  • Hideki Ogasawara1
  • Wataru Motokawa1

1Department of Oral Growth and Development, Fukuoka Dental College, Japan.

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.28.2.wgt205120h2768g4 Vol.28,Issue 2,April 2004 pp.113-118

Published: 01 April 2004

*Corresponding Author(s): Hidefumi Fukushima E-mail:


Kabuki make-up syndrome (KMS) has been reported since 1981 by Niikawa et al. Complications of KMS were moderate mental retardation, skeletal and dermatoglyphic abnormalities. A 7 year-old boy, who had severe permanent tooth deficiency, anterior open bite, tongue thrust and mild mental retardation, was referred to our clinic. Oral characters of another patient were an anterior open bite, transposition of maxillary central and lateral incisor. Orthodontic treatment in two patients is reported and suggested future treatment plans in these patients is given.

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Keisuke Takada,Hidefumi Fukushima,Shinichirou Watanabe,Makiko Ishida,Hideki Ogasawara,Wataru Motokawa. Occlusal guidance of two Kabuki make-up syndrome patients: case reports. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2004. 28(2);113-118.


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