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A simplified technique for the restoration of severely mutilated primary anterior teeth

  • A. Mortada1
  • N.M. King2,*,

1Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt

2Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong, Prince Philip Dental Hospital, 34 Hospital Road, Hong Kong SAR, China

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.28.3.2554xv412644ru13 Vol.28,Issue 3,July 2004 pp.187-192

Published: 01 July 2004

*Corresponding Author(s): N.M. King E-mail:


The restoration of severely carious primary anterior teeth is a challenge to the pediatric dentist. The

introduction of new materials and technologies makes re-evaluation of existing treatment philosophies

necessary.A technique involving the placement of an omega shaped stainless steel wire extension into

the entrance of the root canal prior to restoring the crown with a compomer material is described.

96 restorations were placed in 25 children. After 18 months 81.2% of the 96 restorations, which were

available for evaluation, 60 (79.9%) were intact.The technique for restoring primary anterior teeth was

simple, quick and effective.

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A. Mortada,N.M. King. A simplified technique for the restoration of severely mutilated primary anterior teeth. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2004. 28(3);187-192.


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