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Ultrasonographic evaluation of effectiveness of circumoral muscle exercises in adenotonsillectomized children

  • T.V. Anupam kumar1
  • Sobha kuriakose2

1Department of Pedodontics, Government Dental college, Kozhikode, Kerala, India

2Department of Pedodontics, Government. Dental College, Trivandrum, Kerala, India

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.29.1.l6264g6590v92641 Vol.29,Issue 1,January 2005 pp.49-56

Published: 01 January 2005


Mouth breathing due to obstructive adenoids and tonsils has deleterious effects on craniofacial morphology especially on dentition and dental arches. Reports confirm that removal of nasal obstruc-tion, adenoids and tonsils has not given beneficial development of circumoral musculature. Use of muscles to correct malocclusion was first recommended by Alfred Paul Rogers. This study highlights the imaging of circumoral musculature using ultrasound to evaluate the effectiveness of muscle exercises in adenotonsillectomized children. Definite changes in muscle thickness were noted in sub-jects, who were given muscle exercises.

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T.V. Anupam kumar,Sobha kuriakose. Ultrasonographic evaluation of effectiveness of circumoral muscle exercises in adenotonsillectomized children. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2005. 29(1);49-56.


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