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Fetal intermediate rhabdomyoma of the lip: case report

  • José Martín Toranzo Fernández1
  • Marco Antonio Metlich Medlich2
  • Luis Horacio Rojas López3
  • César Federico Gutiérrez Loredo3
  • Lizzete Claudia Ortiz Luque4

1The Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department, San Luis Potosí, SLP

2, México

3The Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Department, San Luis Potosí, SLP

4, México

5, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Residents

6, Pathologic Anatomy Resident

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.29.2.am6558832l731tt2 Vol.29,Issue 2,April 2005 pp.179-180

Published: 01 April 2005


Fetal rhabdomyoma is a rare benign neoplasm of skeletal muscle that must be distinguished histologically from various malignant lesions, including rhabdomyosarcoma. They have recently been subdivided into two histological variants myxoid and cellular fetal rhabdomyomas. This article describes a case of an 8 month infant with a fetal rhabdomyoma in the upper lip. Illustrate the histological features and discusses the means of distinguishing these lesions from various other conditions with which they may be confused.

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José Martín Toranzo Fernández,Marco Antonio Metlich Medlich,Luis Horacio Rojas López,César Federico Gutiérrez Loredo,Lizzete Claudia Ortiz Luque. Fetal intermediate rhabdomyoma of the lip: case report. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2005. 29(2);179-180.


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