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Managing morphologically atypical impacted teeth orthodontically

  • Puneet Batra1
  • Ritu Duggal2
  • Hari Parkash2

1Division of Orthodontics, Department of Dental Surgery, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi

2Department of Dental Surgery, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.29.2.b208l383k15n4t28 Vol.29,Issue 2,April 2005 pp.105-112

Published: 01 April 2005

*Corresponding Author(s): Ritu Duggal E-mail:


Impactions with severely dilacerated root is seldom reported, especially the maxillary incisor. It is prob-ably because of the high clinical difficulty of bringing the dilacerated tooth into position: most patients probably would choose extraction with replacement by prosthesis instead. However, the philosophy seems to have changed recently. We report two cases one in which an impacted central incisor was brought in the arch by orthodontic traction. In the second case the impacted premolar was brought into the arch and was shaped as a mandibular canine for achieving a good functional occlusion.

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Puneet Batra,Ritu Duggal,Hari Parkash. Managing morphologically atypical impacted teeth orthodontically. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2005. 29(2);105-112.


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