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Oral defensiveness: children with a dysfunction of sensory regulation

  • Geela Spira1
  • Ari Kupietzky2,*,

1Occupational Therapy program, Orot College, Harmony Center for Inclusion, Elkanah, Jerusalem, Israel

2Dental Medicine, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.29.2.cgp2830l073vh358 Vol.29,Issue 2,April 2005 pp.119-122

Published: 01 April 2005

*Corresponding Author(s): Ari Kupietzky E-mail:


Oral defensiveness is a relatively newly discussed cluster of behavioral symptoms with a theorized physiological basis, which may manifest itself during a child’s dental visit. Dentists aware of oral defen-siveness and its distinct manifestations will be able to discuss with their patient’s parents regarding this condition and if necessary modify their approach when treating children diagnosed with oral defen-siveness. The purposes of this paper are to acquaint dentists with this controversial disorder, to increase awareness of its occurrence, and to suggest possible interventions for alleviating aversive responses to typical dental experiences when no other cause is apparent. A review of pertinent literature is pre-sented. A list of characteristics and a list of other types of sensory defensiveness are also presented.

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Geela Spira,Ari Kupietzky. Oral defensiveness: children with a dysfunction of sensory regulation. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2005. 29(2);119-122.


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