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Enamel opacities removal using two different acids: an in vivo comparison

  • Ana Cristina Barreto Bezerra1
  • Soraya Coelho Leal1
  • Simone Auxiliadora Moraes Otero1
  • Danuze Batista Lamas Gravina1
  • Vanessa Resende Nogueira Cruvinel1
  • Orlando Ayrton de Toledo1

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.29.2.f276g750j7291818 Vol.29,Issue 2,April 2005 pp.147-150

Published: 01 April 2005


Computerized analysis assessed quantitatively the efficacy of microabrasion using 37% phosphoric and 18% hydrochloric acids with pumice on removal of enamel opacities. Baseline and after one month pho-tos were taken and analyzed by Paint Shop Pro 7 software and Image Pro Express 4.0. Nonparametric tests were used. Results depicted significant differences immediately versus one month post treatment for both acids. It was concluded that both acids can be used, and as time passes enamel color improvement occurs.

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Ana Cristina Barreto Bezerra,Soraya Coelho Leal,Simone Auxiliadora Moraes Otero,Danuze Batista Lamas Gravina,Vanessa Resende Nogueira Cruvinel,Orlando Ayrton de Toledo. Enamel opacities removal using two different acids: an in vivo comparison. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2005. 29(2);147-150.


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