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Birth delivery trauma and malocclusion

  • Ruggero Cattaneo1
  • Annalisa Monaco2
  • Oriana Streni2
  • Vittorio Serafino1
  • Mario Giannoni2

1Member of International Academy of Posture and Neuro-muscular Occlusion Research (I.A.P.N.O.R.), S. Benedetto, Italy

2Department of Odontostomatological Clinic, School of Dentistry, University of L'Aquila, Italy

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.29.3.925q02q3267m16l7 Vol.29,Issue 3,July 2005 pp.185-188

Published: 01 July 2005


The aim of the investigation was to determine the dynamic of birth delivery and relate to dental occlu-sion among a group of adult subjects. The group studied was made up of 106 subjects (57 females and 49 males) referred for dental diagnosis and treatment. The average age was 26 with a range 22 to 30 years. In data collection and analysis the following were used as measures: dental occlusion (Angle Class I, II div 1, II div 2 and III) and type of delivery (normal, short, long, caesarean and other). Results showed that among 106 subjects 72 (68%) had malocclusion versus 34 (32%) with normal occlusion; 24 subjects (22.6%) have been normal delivery versus 82 (77.4%) with non-normal deliv-ery. Class I is present in 34 subjects (32%), class II division 1 in 26 (24%), class II division 2 in 22 (20%), class III in 16 (14%), and 8 subjects (6%) fall in the section “other”. Among 24 subjects with normal delivery 100% presented class I occlusion. However, among 82 subjects with non-normal delivery 10 subjects had a class I (12.2%) and the 72 (87.8%) had in the other classes, are distributed in the various subgroups of non-normal labor/delivery. None of the subjects with a malocclusion have a normal labor/delivery. Better understanding of the connections among osteopathic theory, cran-iosacral treatment and the outcomes upon dental occlusion, more rigorous evaluations are warranted.

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Ruggero Cattaneo,Annalisa Monaco,Oriana Streni,Vittorio Serafino,Mario Giannoni. Birth delivery trauma and malocclusion. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2005. 29(3);185-188.


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