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Oral manifestations of HIV infection in 36 Nigerian children

  • Taiwo Olufemi Olaniyi1,*,
  • Pam Sunday2

1,Regional Centre for Oral research and training initiatives(RCORTI) for Africa

2Department of Pediatrics, Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH), Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.30.1.a75w1602n0x6577r Vol.30,Issue 1,January 2006 pp.89-92

Published: 01 January 2006

*Corresponding Author(s): Taiwo Olufemi Olaniyi E-mail:


Oral manifestations of HIV/AIDS are early and common clinical indicators of HIV infection. There has been no report on the clinical prevalence of oral lesions associated with HIV infection in children in sub-Saharan Africa. We report the findings of a cross sectional study of 36 Nigerian children seen at the Pediatrics Infectious Disease Clinic of the AIDS Prevention Initiative in Nigeria (APIN), Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH) Jos, Nigeria.

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Taiwo Olufemi Olaniyi,Pam Sunday. Oral manifestations of HIV infection in 36 Nigerian children. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2006. 30(1);89-92.


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