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Odontomas in pediatric dentistry: report of two cases

  • Alberto Carlos Botazzo Delbem1,*,
  • Robson Frederico Cunha1
  • Karina Gerhardt Bianco1
  • Rebeca Lima Afonso1
  • Tais Carneiro Gonçalves1

1Paulista State University (UNESP), School of Dentistry at Araçatuba, São Paulo, Brazil

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.30.2.63742g570345h183 Vol.30,Issue 2,March 2006 pp.157-160

Published: 01 March 2006

*Corresponding Author(s): Alberto Carlos Botazzo Delbem E-mail:


Odontomas are developmental disturbances which manifest in the form of denticles or amorphous informes masses comprising all dental tissues, especially enamel and dentin, with variable amounts of pulp and cement. We describe here two clinical cases of odontomas in children, focusing on diagnos-tic means and the importance of early treatment of these lesions. The standard treatment for the two present cases was surgical removal.

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Alberto Carlos Botazzo Delbem,Robson Frederico Cunha,Karina Gerhardt Bianco,Rebeca Lima Afonso,Tais Carneiro Gonçalves. Odontomas in pediatric dentistry: report of two cases . Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2006. 30(2);157-160.


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