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Peripheral giant cell granuloma in anterior maxilla: case report in a child

  • Manoela Domingues Martins1,*,
  • Flávio Pires2
  • Fernanda Daleck2
  • Silvio Issao Myaki3
  • Maria Naira Pereira Friggi4
  • Marco Antonio Trevizani Martins1

1School of Dentistry, Nove de Julho University - UNINOVE, São Paulo - SP, Brazil

2,Undergraduate student

3Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, State University of São Paulo - UNESP, São José dos Campos - SP, Brazil

4Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Braz Cubas University, Mogi das Cruzes – SP, Brazil

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.30.2.7470g7m18j748610 Vol.30,Issue 2,March 2006 pp.161-164

Published: 01 March 2006

*Corresponding Author(s): Manoela Domingues Martins E-mail:


A case of giant cell granuloma in a 7-year-old boy was reported. The lesion was probably caused by trauma and was interfering with the normal eruption of the permanent maxillary left lateral incisor. Differential diagnosis and treatment of this lesion are discussed.

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Manoela Domingues Martins,Flávio Pires,Fernanda Daleck,Silvio Issao Myaki,Maria Naira Pereira Friggi,Marco Antonio Trevizani Martins. Peripheral giant cell granuloma in anterior maxilla: case report in a child. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2006. 30(2);161-164.


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