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Caries removal with Carisolv system: Criteria evaluation and microleakage test

  • Yoshishige Yamada1
  • Yuichi Kimura1
  • Mozammal Hossain1
  • Jun-ichro Kinoshita1
  • Yuko Shimizu1
  • Koukichi Matsumoto1

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.30.2.j3060x778773072r Vol.30,Issue 2,March 2006 pp.121-126

Published: 01 March 2006

*Corresponding Author(s): Yoshishige Yamada E-mail:


In the present study, cavities prepared by Carisolv were verified as being caries-free by two methods; by conventional visual and tactile criteria, and by DIAGNOdent. The results indicate that in the den-tal clinic, the efficiency of complete carious dentin removal with Carisolv is no longer difficult when a proper clinical guide is used. Furthermore, treatment of dentin surfaces with Carisolv is capable of decreasing marginal microleakage after composite resin restorations.


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Yoshishige Yamada,Yuichi Kimura,Mozammal Hossain,Jun-ichro Kinoshita,Yuko Shimizu,Koukichi Matsumoto. Caries removal with Carisolv system: Criteria evaluation and microleakage test. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2006. 30(2);121-126.


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