Article Type
Special Issue
Orthodontic treatment of an impacted dilacerated maxillary incisor: A case report
1Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, University of Rome “Tor Vergata” and in private practice
2Department of Orthodontics in the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, and in private practice
3,Private practice in Rome
DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.30.2.n4uk8x7g8t42k38k Vol.30,Issue 2,March 2006 pp.93-98
Published: 01 March 2006
*Corresponding Author(s): Paola Cozza E-mail: p.cozza@flashnet.it
Dilaceration is one of the causes of permanent maxillary incisor eruption failure. It is a developmen-tal distortion of the form of a tooth that commonly occurs in permanent incisors as result of trauma to the primary predecessors whose apices lie close to the permanent tooth germ. We present a case of post-traumatic impaction of a dilacerated central maxillary left incisor in a young patient with a class II malocclusion.
Paola Cozza,Alessandra Marino,Roberta Condo. Orthodontic treatment of an impacted dilacerated maxillary incisor: A case report. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2006. 30(2);93-98.
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