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Spontaneous eruption of an occult incisor fragment from the lip after eight months: Report of a case

  • Dinesh Rao B.1,*,
  • Sapna Hegde2

1Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Pacific Dental College & Hospital

2Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Pacific Dental College & Hospital

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.30.3.83773x2357670l64 Vol.30,Issue 3,May 2006 pp.195-198

Published: 01 May 2006

*Corresponding Author(s): Dinesh Rao B. E-mail:


Large majorities of dental traumas are associated with soft-tissue injury and tooth fragments. They are often found embedded in the oral soft tissues, most commonly the lip. Early detection and com-plete removal of such fragments is critical in order to prevent infection and scarring. Adequate com-munication between medical and dental professionals involved is of considerable value in the man-agement of such cases. This report presents a case of spontaneous extrusion of an occult incisor frag-ment from the lower lip, eight months after trauma.

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Dinesh Rao B.,Sapna Hegde. Spontaneous eruption of an occult incisor fragment from the lip after eight months: Report of a case. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2006. 30(3);195-198.


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