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Bleaching non vital primary teeth: case report

  • Sandra Kalil Bussadori1,*,
  • Faynna Roth2
  • Carolina Cardoso Guedes2
  • Kristiane Porta Fernandes3
  • Manoela Martins Domingues4
  • Márcia Turolla Wanderley5

1Department in SOESP – (Sindicato dos Odontologistas do Estado de São Paulo) and UMC – (Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes), Professor and Chairman Dental Materials in UNIMES – (Universidade Metropolitana de Santos and UNINOVE – Centro Universitário Nove de Julho)

2,Specialist in Pediatric Dentistry SOESP

3,Department in UNINOVE and UBC (Universidade Brás Cubas)

4,Pedodontics Department in UNINOVE

5,Department in USP (Universidade de São Paulo) and SOESP

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.30.3.91433185g2375587 Vol.30,Issue 3,May 2006 pp.179-182

Published: 01 May 2006

*Corresponding Author(s): Sandra Kalil Bussadori E-mail:


Trauma and pulpal infections in primary dentition are part of the routine of the pediatric dentist. Com-mon consequences in these cases are alterations in dental color, compromising patient’s esthetics and his interaction in social environment. Bleaching intends to preserve dental structure already weakened and to show immediate esthetic results. This clinical case shows a bleaching technique in devitalized primary teeth using bleaching agent with 35% hydrogen peroxide activated by photo polymerizer.This technique is simple and shows immediate satisfactory results.


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Sandra Kalil Bussadori,Faynna Roth,Carolina Cardoso Guedes,Kristiane Porta Fernandes,Manoela Martins Domingues,Márcia Turolla Wanderley. Bleaching non vital primary teeth: case report. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2006. 30(3);179-182.


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