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Behavior and orofacial characteristics of children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder during a dental visit

  • Gabriela Atmetlla1,*,
  • Verónica Burgos2
  • Angela Carrillo2
  • Roberto Chaskel3

1,Universidad Latina de Costa Rica

2Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogota, Colombia

3Pediatric Psychiatrist, Hospital Central Militar, Nueva,Granada, Bogota Colombia

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.30.3.g66h2750h11242p6 Vol.30,Issue 3,May 2006 pp.183-190

Published: 01 May 2006

*Corresponding Author(s): Gabriela Atmetlla E-mail:


ADHD is a neuropsychological disorder, affecting attention, impulsiveness and activeness. The study included 36 children with ADHD, 47 without, and two silent observers. A dental form, SNAP-IV and ADHDT symptom checklists were used. Statistically significant differences were observed in hospi-talization histories, oral habits, tongue characteristics, and facial biotype. Differences in orofacial char-acteristics and behavior between the groups were confirmed.

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Gabriela Atmetlla,Verónica Burgos,Angela Carrillo,Roberto Chaskel. Behavior and orofacial characteristics of children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder during a dental visit. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2006. 30(3);183-190.


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