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Giant cell fibroma: a case report

  • Mariana Minatel Braga1,*,
  • Ana Lúcia G. Carvalho2
  • Maria Cibele P.Vasconcelos2
  • Paulo Henrique Braz-Silva3
  • Sérgio Luiz Pinheiro4

1Pediatric Dentist, FUNDECTO/ University of São Paulo, Dental Research Center São Leopoldo Mandic

2,Dental Research Center São Leopoldo Mandic

3Oral pathology, Faculty of Dentistry, Universityof São Paulo

4Pediatric Dentistry, Dental Research Center São Leopoldo Mandic

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.30.3.j784203n931w3x6j Vol.30,Issue 3,May 2006 pp.261-264

Published: 01 May 2006

*Corresponding Author(s): Mariana Minatel Braga E-mail:


This article describes a case of giant cell fibroma in a 3-year-old boy, which is an uncommon age for this lesion. The cause of this pathology has not been determined. The lesion was excised by electro surgery and submitted to a histological exam, which confirmed the diagnosis. No recurrence was observed. Pediatric dentists should be capable to diagnose and treat this kind of lesion despite this lesion being an unusual pathology among children.

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Mariana Minatel Braga,Ana Lúcia G. Carvalho,Maria Cibele P.Vasconcelos,Paulo Henrique Braz-Silva,Sérgio Luiz Pinheiro. Giant cell fibroma: a case report. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2006. 30(3);261-264.


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