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An atypical Lingual Lesion Resulting from the Unhealthy Habit of Sucking the Lower Lip: Clinical Case Study

  • Elena Barbería1
  • Tania Lucavechi1
  • Dora Cárdenas1
  • Myriam Maroto1

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.30.4.p20272221365477w Vol.30,Issue 4,July 2006 pp.280-282

Published: 01 July 2006

*Corresponding Author(s): Elena Barbería E-mail:


Unhealthy oral habits may be involved in the etiology of a malocclusion, since they may affect development of the oro-facial region. There is little information on the habit of sucking the lower lip, to which practitioners attribute less clini-cal consequences. However, lower lip sucking is a harmful habit which appears frequently in children, especially dur-ing situations requiring increased attention and mental concentration. In patients presenting lower lip sucking, strong contractions of the lower lip’s orbicular’s muscle and the mentalis muscle, associated with hypertonicity of the upper

lip caused by sucking, has to be balanced by lingual thrusting during the act of deglutition. A case is presented in which failure to identify the habit of lower lip sucking led to an atypical lesion on the tongue, caused by the tongue’s impaction against the orthodontic appliance prescribed to correct a malocclusion. The recognition and elimination of an unhealthy habit is of great importance in diagnosis and the establishment of a treatment plan, so that undesirable complications can be avoided.

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Elena Barbería,Tania Lucavechi,Dora Cárdenas,Myriam Maroto. An atypical Lingual Lesion Resulting from the Unhealthy Habit of Sucking the Lower Lip: Clinical Case Study. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2006. 30(4);280-282.


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