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Regional Odontodysplasia: Report of case

  • Monica C. T. Rosa1,*,
  • Gracy A. Marcelino2
  • Renata S. Belchior3
  • Ana Paula P. Souza4
  • Symonne C. O. L. Parizotto5

1,Pediatric dentist- SIOMS and radiology oral- UCCB

2,Pediatric dentist- SIOMS

3dentistry for special patient, public health, Pediatric dentistry department- SIOMS

4Pediatric dentist ABO-MS, dentistry in public health FIOCRUZ, Science of the health UNB Professor Pediatric dentistry department –SIOMS

5Pediatric dentist- USP, Pediatric dentistry department -SIOMS

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.30.4.x52484224j37h4v5 Vol.30,Issue 4,July 2006 pp.333-336

Published: 01 July 2006

*Corresponding Author(s): Monica C. T. Rosa E-mail:


A case of regional odontodysplasia in an 8 year-old male whose chief complaint was the absence of eruption of perma-nent teeth is presented. The regional odontodysplasia is a rare development anomaly of the dental tissues that affects the primary and permanent dentitions involving several adjacent teeth without crossing the midline. The clinical, radi-ographic and histological aspects are described as well as the treatment accomplished through surgery and prosthet-ic rehabilitation.

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Monica C. T. Rosa,Gracy A. Marcelino,Renata S. Belchior,Ana Paula P. Souza,Symonne C. O. L. Parizotto. Regional Odontodysplasia: Report of case. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2006. 30(4);333-336.


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