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Labial and Palatal Talon Cusps on Geminated Tooth Associated with Dental Root Shape Abnormality: a case report

  • Cıgdem Elbek Cubukcu1,*,
  • Alper Sonmez2
  • Vedat Gultekin3

1Uludag University, Medical Faculty, Department of Pediatric Dental Care, Turkey

2Uludag University, Medical Faculty, Department of Pediatric Dental Care, Turkey

3Oral Surgery, Ministry of Health, Oral Health Center of Bursa, Turkey

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.31.1.a5101676k6714351 Vol.31,Issue 1,January 2007 pp.21-24

Published: 01 January 2007

*Corresponding Author(s): Cıgdem Elbek Cubukcu E-mail:


Talon cusp on a geminated tooth is a very rare condition. To the best of our knowledge, the literature contains only one case report of a labial talon cusp on a geminated tooth. This is the first clinical report describing a case of bilateral talon cusps on geminated permanent maxillary central incisors associated with dental root shape abnormality and its successful management.


case report, incisor/abnormalities, dental root/abnormality, management

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Cıgdem Elbek Cubukcu,Alper Sonmez,Vedat Gultekin. Labial and Palatal Talon Cusps on Geminated Tooth Associated with Dental Root Shape Abnormality: a case report. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2007. 31(1);21-24.


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