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The Subjective Image Quality of Conventional and Digital Panoramic Radiography Among 6 to 10 year old Children

  • Makris N1,*,
  • Tsiklakis K1
  • Alexiou KE1
  • Vierrou AM2
  • Stefaniotis Th1

1Department of Oral Diagnosis and Oral Radiology, School of Dentistry, University of Athens, Greece

2Paediatric Dentist, Private Practice

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.31.2.46lx77211v483x01 Vol.31,Issue 2,March 2007 pp.109-112

Published: 01 March 2007

*Corresponding Author(s): Makris N E-mail:


Objectives: To compare the diagnostic quality of orthopantomographs made with the conventional unit Orthophos Siemens and the direct digital unit Planmeca 2000 cc Proline among children 6-10 years old and to investigate possible differences on image interpretation between oral radiologists and pediatric dentists.

Methods: Study material included two independent groups of panoramic images (50 in each group) made with different panoramic modalities (digital, conventional). Eight observers (four pediatric dentists and four oral radiologists) evaluated all images for diagnostic quality in 12 pre-determined areas using a 4-point rating scale.

Results: Digital and conventional panoramic radiography performed almost similarly as far as it concerns the specific diagnostic tasks rated with the exception of the interproximal contacts of mandibular molars where digital panoramic radiography was scored significantly higher and the periapical region of anterior mandible and anterior mandibular tooth germs where conventional panoramic radiography was found to be significantly better. Both oral radiologists and pediatric dentists graded similarly digital and conventional radiographs for a variety of diagnostic tasks.

Conclusions: It can be concluded that diagnostic image quality obtained with the digital orthopantomograph unit Planmeca 2000 cc Proline was generally equal to image quality obtained with the conventional orthopantomograph unit Orthophos Plus CD. Image interpretation between oral radiologists and pediatric dentists was not substantially different


Dental radiography; Panoramic radiography; Digital dental radiography; Radiographic image enhancement; Children

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Makris N,Tsiklakis K,Alexiou KE,Vierrou AM,Stefaniotis Th. The Subjective Image Quality of Conventional and Digital Panoramic Radiography Among 6 to 10 year old Children. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2007. 31(2);109-112.


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