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Oral-health Workshop Targeted at 0-5-yr. old Deprived Children’s Parents and Caregivers: Effect on Knowledge and Practices

  • Martignon S1,*,
  • González MC2
  • Santamaría RM3
  • Jácome-Liévano S4
  • Muñoz Y5
  • Moreno P5

1Certificate in Pediatric Dentistry, PhD., Associate Professor, Chair of Research Unit UNICA-B, Dental Faculty

2Certificate in Pediatric Dentistry Associate Professor, Chair of Pediatric Dentistry Program

3Certificate in Pediatric Dentistry Associate Instructor, Research Unit UNICA-B, Dental Faculty

4,Education Division of the Colombian Association of Dental Faculties (A.C.F.O.)

5,Pediatric Dentistry Program Resident

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.31.2.a20j230572178wp5 Vol.31,Issue 2,March 2007 pp.104-108

Published: 01 March 2007

*Corresponding Author(s): Martignon S E-mail:


One-session oral-health workshop was targeted at 770 parents and 60 caregivers of 0-5-year-old low-income children. Lower plaque scores (Silness & Löe-modified index) were observed in test-group-(TG) children after 1 and 6-months (Median=0) than control-group-(CG) (Median=1)(p<0.05), with a significant improvement from baseline among the TG (p<0.05). The questionnaire showed improvement in the TG parents/caregivers' knowledge after 1- 6-months regarding white-spot lesion visual recognition; with respect to the practices, these improved after 1-6, but decreased after 6-months.


Preschool children, parents, oral-health workshop, knowledge/practices, bacterial plaque

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Martignon S,González MC,Santamaría RM,Jácome-Liévano S,Muñoz Y,Moreno P. Oral-health Workshop Targeted at 0-5-yr. old Deprived Children’s Parents and Caregivers: Effect on Knowledge and Practices. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2007. 31(2);104-108.


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