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Artificial Plaque Removal with Carisolv System: A Clinical Approach

  • Yoshishige Yamada1,*,
  • Mozammal Hossain1
  • Yuichi Kimura1
  • Yukio Nakamura1
  • Yoshiko Masuda1
  • Yuko Shimizu1
  • Koukichi Matsumoto1

1Department of Clinical Cariology and Endodontology, Showa University, School of Dentistry

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.31.3.b304757w474h5651 Vol.31,Issue 3,May 2007 pp.199-201

Published: 01 May 2007

*Corresponding Author(s): Yoshishige Yamada E-mail:


In the present study, removal of artificial plaque in pits and fissures with the Carisolv system was compared with that of conventional bristle brush method, in vitro. The results indicate that in the dental clinic, complete plaque removal with the Carisolv is possible, and in addition to acid etching, treated cavity was almost free of debris which might increase sealant retention.


Carisolv, tooth, dental plaque, tooth prophylaxis

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Yoshishige Yamada,Mozammal Hossain,Yuichi Kimura,Yukio Nakamura,Yoshiko Masuda,Yuko Shimizu,Koukichi Matsumoto. Artificial Plaque Removal with Carisolv System: A Clinical Approach. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2007. 31(3);199-201.


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